Sunday, November 6, 2011


By David Msebele

Our God is invincible and infallible. He is indestructible, indomitable, invulnerable, unbeatable and unconquerable.  The God we serve is dependable, foolproof, perfect, reliable and above all unbeatable.
The devil has spread a lie around – that he is invincible and infallible as God, Jehovah, the creator and the possessor of the heavens and earth.
In understanding the anatomy of God as being infallible and invincible our faith levels rise, our trust in him is restored.  For the record, the devil is a created, fallible and defeatable creature.  
God has power over all things in heaven and on earth, when we notice this truth on the anatomy of God, hindrances evaporate and problems get physically and spiritually resolved.
Let us consider the following scriptures to understand the power, honor, majestic, infallibility and invincibility of our God.
1.   Psalms Chapter 24 verse 1
The earth is the Lords, and everything in it.  The world and its entire people belong to him.
There is a lie doing rounds, which says this world belongs to the devil – I do not see it in scriptures.  In fact Psalms Chapter 24 verse 2 states “for he laid the earth’s foundation on the sea, and built it on the ocean depths”.
If the earth, the world, the people and everything in it belongs to God, is He not invincible and infallible? The devil does not own you, me, the world, the earth and everything. Mind you to Adam and Eve, and later to Noah, the dominion over the earth was given not to the devil but to the Sons of God, me and you.
 2.   Revelations Chapter 1 verse 8
“I am the Alpha and the Omega – the beginning and the end”, says the Lord God”.  I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come – the Almighty One. Amen.
You see the devil robs people that he has got a say in your destiny. No only God has the final say on our lives.
God is our rock, our fortress, our future – He is the Alpha and Omega.  He is God, all wise, all knowing, ever present and all knowing.
3.   Psalms Chapter 29 verse 10
“The Lord rules over the flood waters.  The Lord reigns as King forever”.  Forever means up to eternity.  Eternity means without end.  Essentially God rules and lives forever and ever.  His rulership is infinite.

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